This website "Project B.M.T.H",Focuses on Balance, Maturity, Tolerance and Humanity. Freedom of Speech is a major influence on people. All around the world, people are being stripped of their human rights to Freedom of Expression. Freedom of Speech is a fundamental right that every human in the world should be entitled to without their safety being threatened because of those without reason. In this world, there is a balance, good and bad but on this website, the should be more...positive things, with thie events in your life the questions you ask could have profanity, but you shouldnt discriminate against/or troll someone else for joke or personal gain. Everyone has a right a to an opinion, and all are welcomed. Mind you, just because someones opinion contrasts yours, that does not mean that it's wrong. Freedom of Speech means to share how you feel, no matter what it means and to receive no discriminative critique becuase of your contrasting postion or opinion. If you have a question you have the utmost ability to come to this website, and when they ask a question, if its embarrassing they have the right to remain anonymous, when you have an answer to a question, share what you know and be productive and help create rather than destroy. When on this website, you should: